Mitmark 0643

About Us

Our experts ben­e­fit from a wealth of expe­ri­ence gained in the armed forces, law enforce­ment and tech­ni­cal secu­ri­ty fields. We pride our­selves in deliv­er­ing unique solu­tions by work­ing with clients, inte­gra­tors and devel­op­ers to achieve seam­less secu­ri­ty sys­tems that oper­ate smooth­ly and enhance the over­all busi­ness or indi­vid­ual aims.

M Itmark 0930


We part­ner with trust­ed brands known for their excep­tion­al qual­i­ty and reli­a­bil­i­ty, deliv­er­ing secu­ri­ty projects across the UK, Europe, the Amer­i­c­as, Africa and the Mid­dle East.

Take the first step towards enhanced secu­ri­ty today; con­tact Mit­mark Secu­ri­ty for a con­sul­ta­tion and let our experts assess your secu­ri­ty needs. Whether it’s res­i­den­tial, com­mer­cial or indus­tri­al, we have the right secu­ri­ty solu­tion for you. Trust us to safe­guard what mat­ters most.

M Itmark 2 17

Head Office

If you would like to vis­it Mit­mark Secu­ri­ty Ltd at our offices, we offer demon­stra­tions of our equip­ment and capa­bil­i­ties. Please use the Con­tact Form to request a demon­stra­tion or make an enquiry.